"צדיקים-Saints: Living in the Service of Heaven."
Lecturer: Roman Krassovsky
Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission of the Russian Church Abroad in Jerusalem
Title: "Russian Sanctity: The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven"
Date: Thursday 27 February 2014
Time: 8:00 pm / Refreshments from 7:30 pm
Venue: The Salesian Theological Institute/Ratisbonne, Rh Shmuel Hanagid 26
A lecturer in Liturgy, Church Music, and Typikon at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, Fr. Roman lived in Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, for thirty years. Here he also served as the choirmaster. In April 2013, Fr. Roman was consecrated Abbot of the Mary Magdalene Convent of Gethsemane and was elevated to be the Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission of the Russian Church Abroad in Jerusalem, working together with Fr. Higumen Theophan, the Mission Chief from the Moscow Patriarchate.
Historically, Russian sanctity has been categorized by the concepts of monks, martyrs, and princes. A fuller picture of lived Orthodoxy may present forms of piety associated with the lower classes of society and with women enshrined in canon and liturgy by the Orthodox hierarchy. Research on Russian sanctity also involves aspects of downplaying or showing even active hostility by a reigning hierarchy and facts that such attitudes hardly affect the persistence of veneration. While outside political factors may affect the canonization process, in every period, upon canonization, the saint is recast in an image acceptable to the hierarchy’s goals which may change over time. At the same time, sanctity is a matter of human nature that requires grace and effort, including that of self-denial, and can take an entire life-time to acquire.
The Sixth Lecture in the series will be on 27 March 2014.
Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission of the Russian Church Abroad in Jerusalem
Title: "Russian Sanctity: The Path to the Kingdom of Heaven"
Date: Thursday 27 February 2014
Time: 8:00 pm / Refreshments from 7:30 pm
Venue: The Salesian Theological Institute/Ratisbonne, Rh Shmuel Hanagid 26
A lecturer in Liturgy, Church Music, and Typikon at the Holy Trinity Orthodox Seminary in Jordanville, New York, Fr. Roman lived in Holy Trinity Monastery, Jordanville, for thirty years. Here he also served as the choirmaster. In April 2013, Fr. Roman was consecrated Abbot of the Mary Magdalene Convent of Gethsemane and was elevated to be the Chief of the Russian Ecclesiastical Mission of the Russian Church Abroad in Jerusalem, working together with Fr. Higumen Theophan, the Mission Chief from the Moscow Patriarchate.
Historically, Russian sanctity has been categorized by the concepts of monks, martyrs, and princes. A fuller picture of lived Orthodoxy may present forms of piety associated with the lower classes of society and with women enshrined in canon and liturgy by the Orthodox hierarchy. Research on Russian sanctity also involves aspects of downplaying or showing even active hostility by a reigning hierarchy and facts that such attitudes hardly affect the persistence of veneration. While outside political factors may affect the canonization process, in every period, upon canonization, the saint is recast in an image acceptable to the hierarchy’s goals which may change over time. At the same time, sanctity is a matter of human nature that requires grace and effort, including that of self-denial, and can take an entire life-time to acquire.
The Sixth Lecture in the series will be on 27 March 2014.