Current Projects

In 2012-2013 the ETRFI has launched several projects simultaneously. We are grateful to all of our donors!

1. Lecture series. This year's series is entitled, "Perceptions of Ascetism in Christian and Jewish Thought and Practice." Our lectures take place at the Salesian Theological Institute/Ratisbonne in Jerusalem, located at 26 Shmuel HaNagid Street. Lectures are announced on the Home Page of this blog.

2. Continuing education: seminars & groups. ETRFI has received numerous requests from both local and international organizations. In an era of rising anti-Semitism, it is increasingly important to provide a forum for visiting Christian scholars, religious leaders and lay persons alike to be re-connected to the land of their faith from both a historical and modern perspective, studying texts relevant to both Judaism and Christianity, in order to re-focus their understanding of Christianity's roots in the land and tradition of Eretz Israel.

3. Ecumenical excursions. ETRFI arranges excursions for the local Christian communities including Christian students enrolled at the Hebrew University, local clergy, diplomatic personnel, and many others. Excursions include guided visits to religious, archaeological and historical sites in Jerusalem and throughout Israel. These excursions provide a unique learning opportunity and serve as an effective means of bringing together Christians of all denominations sharing a common interest.

4. Orthodox community support. Details are available at the links "Coptic Orthodox Support" and "Syrian Orthodox support." The need for educational support at all levels (primary, secondary and university) is great. We endeavour to provide the Christian community with the opportunity to achieve their goals through education.

5. Immanuel on-line. Since 1972 ETRFI has published its own journal Immanuel. With more than  1500 subscribers worldwide, Immanuel has become a standard feature of many university libraries and a favourite of students, clergy and scholars interested in the Jewish-Christian encounter. The journal is edited by Malcolm F. Lowe.

Thank you for considering a donation to one of our projects!

Donations can be sent by cheque to: Ecumenical Fraternity, POB 249, Jerusalem 91002.

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